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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

August podcasts 2014 - the next few weeks from a few years ago.

Jul 31, 2014

Just in case I don't get to post them otherwise here are the next few weeks posts from three years ago.


The Assignment of life - Step out of the boat Proper 14 Sunday 7 July 2011

Joseph - Disaster can bring Good Proper 15 A Sermon for August 14 2011

The above is the most downloaded sermon from the blog with over 300...

Jul 31, 2014

Focus Reading : Matt 14:13-21  Direct audio download


I want you to put yourselves in the place of each of the characters in the story of the feeding of the 5000.

             Who are you more like?

Are you like the crowd is there some emptiness, some need which has to be filled? (It could be a need for food,...