Jul 5, 2013
Focus reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14
There are two models of sharing faith in today’s readings. The story from Luke chapter 10 is the most confronting. The Disciples are sent out with nothing but a staff and are to rely on charity as they are called to “cure the sick and proclaim that the Kingdom of God has come near to you”. Luke 10:8 The other is the story of a slave girl who simply shares what she knows about her God and God’s prophet Elisha. Her witness is not dramatic or miraculous or full of great theology. Her witness was simply sharing what she knew when it was helpful. As a result lives were transformed. Naaman was healed and if you read on in the story you discover that he also came to faith. (2 Kings 5:15-19)
Most of us are not cut out or even called to be travelling evangelists as in Luke 10, but we are all called to share faith as the slave girl did. Share a simple word at the right time and it may surprise you what God may do.
Questions for thought or discussion
What simple stories or experiences of faith could you share with those you come into contact with? What stops you from sharing the Christian hope you have within you?
The Image 925147_linked_hands is by juliaf and comes from stock.xchange a free stock photgraphy web site.