Aug 20, 2011
Focus Reading: Matthew 16:21-28
I believe that in this passage Jesus says that we must lose our lives to find them. At the heart of the Christian faith is a God of Love and a God of Justice. A God of salvation. God longs and seeks to rescue us, and heal us, not to destroy us and kill us. Just as he has done, Jesus is calling us to lose our lives by placing them in the hands of our loving God. And just as Jesus was given new life by the Father and raised to life on the third day, we are also given new life, now and even beyond death. Reflect on this wonderful truth. Just as Jesus placed his life in God’s hands we are called to do the same and place our lives in God’s hands. And just like Jesus God will rescue us. God will justify our existence. God will make us whole.
Questions for thought or discussion
Why was Peter so uncomfortable with the idea that Jesus was going to suffer and die? Why should we be uncomfortable with the idea that Jesus suffered and died?....
What does it mean to set our mind on divine things and not on human things?
What does it mean to take up our cross and follow Jesus? What does it mean to deny ourselves?
What does Jesus mean when he says we will find our life if we lose our life to him?