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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Eaterfest @ St Stephen's Toowoomba

Mar 30, 2012

Easterfest @ St Stephen's

This Year St Stephen's is a venue for Easterfest City. We will be hosting Sons of Korah, The Melbourne Gospel Choir and John Smith with the Shed blokes. For details read below. St Stephen's is just a short walk up the hill from Queens park @ 51 Neil Street. 

Easter Saturday


Stations of the Cross will commence at St James Anglican Church - cnr of Russell & Mort Sts at 10:00am. St Stephen's will be Station 6.

12:00pm - 2:00pm Youth Centre - SHED BLOKES with JOHN SMITH 

John Smith - Founder of The God's Squad Motor Cycle Club, acclaimed speaker and author and one of Australia's most unorthodox  speakers, will talk to the hearts of men.  Joh Smith's message is for people who want to do more than just listen.  Hear John Smith and some other guys talk about their life's journeys.

12:30pm - 1:30pm in the Church - SONS OF KORAH 

Sons of Korah will present a modern acoustic version of the psalms. The Sons of Korah is an Australian based band devoted to giving a fresh voice to the Biblical Psalms. The Psalms have been the primary  source for the worship traditions of both Judaism and Christianity going  right back to ancient times. With their unique acoustic, multi-ethnic sound, Sons or Korah have  given this Biblical songbook a dynamic and emotive new musical expression.

Easter Sunday

1:00pm - in the Church - THE MELBOURNE GOSPEL CHOIR 

The Melbourne Gospel Choir will present A Tradition of Music - "Gospel in the Chapel" The Melbourne Gospel Choir is Australia's most sought after Gospel Group for TV appearances and backing vocals for international artists. They regularly appear on many TV shows such as the AFL Grand Final, Dancing With the Stars, The Logies, It Takes Two, Starstruck, Good Friday Appeal and previously on Hey Hey It's Saturday and In Melbourne Tonight.  They will be a dynamic addition to Easterfest.

almost thirteen years ago

The church was packed for Sons of Korah and overeflowing, It was also full for the Melbourne Gospel Choir and we had good services over the weekend. Thankyou to all involved!!