Nov 26, 2012
Focus readings: Jeremiah 33:14–16 and Luke 21:25–36 Subscribe on Itunes
The church has begun the season of Advent. In our Bible readings we will be looking at the coming of Christ. Partly this is about Christmas Day, but mostly it's about when Jesus returns. It's about the future when God will make all things right. When the broken will be healed and the injustices fixed up. Jesus and Zechariah, and Mary and Elizabeth and the Prophets are all going to remind us that there is a future. Their vision of that future is sometimes scary, but it's also wonderful. It's a vision, of the world made right and of God truly being among us. It's a vision of a world where God is truly with us. It's a vision of the broken being made whole and the old being made perfect and new. Above all it is a picture of real peace and security.
What is it that distracts you? Is it possessions? Is it food and drink? Or is it the fear caused by the "War on Terror"? The promise of this week's Bible readings and all the readings in Advent is that when Jesus returns all things will be set right. If God really is in control, then we don't need to be distracted. We don't need to be afraid. In this world or the next God will give us all we need, for the body and soul. Healing, justice, food, love, and God's presence will all be ours. It is this hope we should cling to, not food, not drink and certainly not worry or fear.
Questions for thought or discussion:
What is it that distracts you or causes you fear? What do you make of the idea that Advent is about Jesus Return more than the first Christmas? How do we strike a balance between responding to personal and global concerns and trusting in God?
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