Jul 16, 2012
Below plese find two links to policies relating to concerns, conflict and associated correspondence.
The first of these is a policy related to matters of conflict and concern and associated correspondence. This was approved by the Elders at their June meeting. Following a number of incidents over the last few years as Minister and Elders Chairman I felt that such a policy was needed and proposed it to the Elders meeting. It received overwhelming support from those Elders present.
Follow this link Concerns conflict & correspondence
The second is a very short policy which relates to holding fundraisers on a Sunday.
It simply reads:
• Policy relating to Sunday fundraising
Revd Andrew outlined the background of correspondence inward and outward on this issue being raised. Motion: It was resolved that the policy be:“The Council of Elders approves Fund Raising Activities on a Sunday provided that the beneficiary is approved by the Executive of the Council of Elders." Carried.
Follow this link Sunday Fundraising.
Additional copies are available from the office.