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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Nov 26, 2012

Focus readings: Jeremiah 33:14–16 and Luke 21:25–36   Subscribe on Itunes 

The church has begun the season of Advent. In our Bible readings we will be looking at the coming of Christ. Partly this is about Christmas Day, but mostly it's about when Jesus returns. It's about the future when God will make all things...

Nov 23, 2012

All of us want to be in control. We may not all want to be the centre of attention, but we want to be the masters of our own destiny. For most of us the idea of being King, the one in charge, for even a day is very attractive. Today is Christ the King Sunday. It’s a day when we think about Jesus being king.


Birth Pangs - Sermon Script for Proper 28 B

Nov 16, 2012

I'm on a week's holiday so no podcast this week, but here is the script of the sermon I'll preach on Sunday.

Focus Readings: 1 Samuel 1:4–20;1 Samuel 2:1–10; Mark 13:1–8   Subscribe on Itunes 

I read recently that in 1977 when the Uniting Church began there were over 900 communicant members at St Stephens. Today there...

Nov 9, 2012

Focus reading Mark 12:38-44  Subscribe on Itunes 

How much should we give to God? We all know that some people are far more generous than others. Some people give generously from time, talents and money from very much and others give generously from very little. Most in most churches give sacrificially. We honour and...

Nov 2, 2012

This year we're doing a Christmas CD to promote the 150th anniversary of the congregation andto raise some funds for the clebrations.

Here's a sample MP3 of Angels we have heard on high The CD will be a collection of 15 traditional carols.

The two artists are members of the congregation. Heather Gillies who is a...