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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

The greatest is love! 1Cor 13 Epiphany + 4C

Jan 29, 2025

Readings 1 Cor 12:31b-14:1a  and  Luke 4:21–30

The Greatest is Love

Misconceptions and Paul’s Teaching

The people of the church in the City of Corinth were convinced that being a good Christian and a good Christian leader was about spiritual gifts, clever ideas, eloquent language, or preaching. Some believed that...

Law - Better than Chocloate Epiphany + 3 C

Jan 24, 2025

Nehemiah 8:1-10, Psalm 19, Luke 4:14-21

The Law That Refreshes the Soul
How can the psalm writer describe the law as “refreshing the soul,” “giving joy to the heart,” “more precious than gold,” and “sweeter than honey”? For many, this is puzzling, especially when faced with laws like those in Leviticus...

Australia Day A personal statement

Jan 24, 2025

Nehemiah 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10
Australia Day: A Personal Reflection
“... “This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people wept when they heard the words of the law.” (Nehemiah 8:9, NRSVue) When I read those words from Nehemiah it caused me to have a good hard think about...

Hymn for Baptism of the Lord (Jesus)

Jan 7, 2025

Some years ago I wrote a baptism hymn to the tune O Waly Waly which would be appropriate for this Sunday or for most Baptism Sundays.
Image: I, Davezelenka, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
It's based on the Baptism of Jesus Passages eg Luke 3:15-22, on Romans 6:2-11, on Calvin's notion for regeneration or...