Aug 2, 2013
This podcast is edited highlights of a lecture about the Life and meaning of St Stephen (Acts 6-7). It marked one of the first of our celebrations of our 150 Years. The Picture is St Stephen from the great estern window here in St Stephen's Toowoomba.
Our next event is Twice as Nice an afternoon of music and song with a wonderful High Tea.Come and join us at 3pm on the 4th of August in the Hall behind the church at 51 Neil Street Toowoomba
Cost is $10. Bookings apprecaited.
For further information or bookings contact the St Stephen’s Office
ph 07 4632 2971
The full list of events is below: (Also Click here for a brochure)
Sunday 4th August……………………………3pm Pleasant Sunday Afternoon
11th August…………..........3.30pm Public Lecture "History of the Church”
1st September………………………........3.30pm Pleasant Sunday Afternoon
4th September Repertory Theatre…… Educating Rita (Fundraiser/Social)
15th September……………………………………………Combined Choir Rehearsal
23rd-25th September….....10am – 4pm Church open: Carnival of Flowers
29th September………......................................Combined Choir Rehearsal
4th – 7th October………………………………………………….Anniversary Weekend
3rd October………………………………………………………….Museum Preparation
4th October…………………………………………………………....7.30pm- Hymnfest
5th October…………………………………………9am - Bus Tour of Historic Sites
5th October………………………………………………12 noon - Celebration Lunch
6th October……………9am- Celebration Service (Morning tea on front lawn)
6th October…….....…3.30pm - Photo Presentation History of St Stephen's
27th October ………………………………………………9am - Baptism Celebration
10th November………………………………9am - Worship : Remembrance Day
24th November …………………………………………8am Anniversary Breakfast