Feb 9, 2017
Focus Reading:1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Click HERE for a direct audio download.
Paul gets really angry in a number of his letters and in 1 Corinthians the main thing which makes him angry is disunity. The church at Corinth has forgotten that what unites Christians is God in Jesus Christ and not their leaders or ideas. As many in the congregation renew their marriage vows today, it is important to keep this in mind. The main difference between a Christian marriage and a secular marriage is that a secular marriage really has only two parties, the husband and the wife. Christian marriage on the other hand has three. God is included. We ask God to bless, protect and strengthen the couple for their life ahead. They are not in it alone they have a greater source of strength. As Paul suggests in our Christian life together, whether it be the church, Christian marriage, or Christian friendship, we may plant the seed or water the ground but it is only God who gives the growth.
Questions for thought or
What do you think are the
differences between a Christian marriage and a secular marriage?
What gives strength to relationships? (All relationships not just
marriage.) What part does God play in all your different
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