Jun 26, 2020
“and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple—truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.”” (Matthew 10:42, NRSV)
Matthew 10:40-42 is a strange and powerful passage! It essentially says that any Christian who goes anywhere consciously in the name of Christ also brings Christ to those who are there. When you are received and offered hospitality the people who give that hospitality are not just giving it to you they are giving it to God. This isn’t just about evangelists or prophets or priests. It is about every “little one” who goes in the name of Christ. Think of it. At the supermarket, in hospital as a visitor, patient or health professional, in your family, your place of work, the clubs and organisations you are part of, in all these settings God goes with you, even the least of you. What power, what privilege and what responsibility!
How do you react to the idea that God goes with you to every
person you interact with? If this is true what does this mean for
your behaviour?
What could you do in non church relationships or groups or places
you are part of?
God, thank you for the awesome privilege and responsibility of you being with us wherever we go. Help us be mindful of this gift and take full advantage of it. In Jesus' Name. Amen.