Jun 28, 2011
You have a great body!
Focus reading: Romans 8:1-11
There is a sense in which the church and our Western culture is fixated on the human body. Either we have seen it as bad and sinful OR we have worshipped it as though it is through our bodies that we find our meaning. Paul and the Bible often get the blame for this. This is especially true for today’s reading – Romans 8:1-11. This is NOT the Bible’s view. The Bible actually has a positive view of the body, but a negative view of Living by the flesh.
To see our value or meaning as being something generated by ourselves, is to live the life of the flesh.
To see our value or meaning as a gift from God, who loves us body and soul, and trusting in God, that is to live a life of the Spirit.
I believe this means that all of you have good, dare I say it, even great bodies. Not because of how they look or what they can do but because you, all of you, are the objects of God’s love.
Questions for thought or discussion
What do you think of the human body? What do you think of your body? How do you respond to this notion that the body is good and loved by God? What do you think it means to live by the flesh? What do you think it means, to live by the Spirit?
For a complete script of the sermon go to http://stteves10.libsyn.com/you-have-a-good-body-proper-10-a-2011