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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Mar 2, 2017

Focus Readings Gen 2:15-17, 3:1-7, Rom 5:12-19, Matt 4:1-11

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Knowledge, or at least some knowledge is dangerous. I would rather live today than 3 000 years ago, in an age of modern health care, jet planes, computers and air conditioners. At the same time if we could go back to a time when we did not know good from evil and we did not want to be our own gods then life might be much less of a struggle. Whatever you think of the story of the first sin in the Garden of Eden, there must have been a time when human beings became aware that we have a choice to do what is right and accept life as a gift, or to seek to live for ourselves. Very often we have chosen to live for ourselve. There must have been a time when we became aware we were naked and vulnerable and tried to cover ourselves up not only from bodily but from betrayal of trust and broken relationships. Yet knowing good and evil I would never want to go back to innocence, for the good we know in Jesus, in God’s love and forgiveness, and the good we know in loving and being loved by our neighbour is far more beautiful and powerful than any evil and even death.

Questions for thought and discussion.
What do you make of the story of the first sin in the garden of Eden? What does that story mean for your life and relationships?

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Tags: adam, alienation, asaad, bombs, christian, costello, eve, evil, fall, forgiveness, genesis, good, jesus, manhattan, medicine, moslem, nakedness, nuclear, obedience, oppenheimer, original, project, refugees, salvation, samaritan, satan, sin, syria, temptation, tim, trust