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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Trinity: What's it all about? Trinity Year B 2024

May 22, 2024

Focus Readings Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17
Sermon text:
In the whole of the Bible God is revealed as redeemer or saviour. Salvation from slavery, exile, enemies, sin. But there is a contrast In the Old Testament although God is spoken of as merciful and being characterised by steadfast love, essentially the picture of...

The Trust Fall Lent 2 B 2024

Feb 24, 2024

Focus Readings Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38

Trust Fall

Have you ever done a trust fall. I can remember right back to my days at youth group and Year 12 when I lived on the South Side of Brisbane. We were introduced to “new games”. They included things like parachutes and earth balls, but they...

By the Mercies of God - A message on Romans 12:1-8

Aug 23, 2023

Key text: Romans 12:1-8 

In many of Paul’s letters he begins after a general greetingby dealing with the issues that are causing problems in a church. He then goes on to deal with how we live out our faith in our daily life or ethics. Paul is talking about how we lives which witness or reflect God’s love and how we...

Jul 29, 2023

1.            Readings

a.            First Reading Amos 7: 7 - 8

b.            Second Reading Matt. 23:23

c.             Third Reading Deut.16: 18 -20                       

d.            Gospel Luke 13: 10 - 17

2.            Sermon Go God’s love going way

The people of Israel were suffering in Egypt, forced to...

What is the church? Acts 2:42

Apr 29, 2023

Today I want to speak as briefly as I can on a huge topic. What is the church? These six verses Acts 2:42-27 describe the church, as it was when it first began 2000 years ago and as it shall be through all eternity and as it is now. In one sentence the church is about teaching the Gospel, gathering in genuine...