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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Easter Services

Mar 24, 2016

Our Easter Services will be:

Maundy Thursday 24/3/16 at 7.30 pm

This will be a Tenabrae Service

Good Friday 25/3/16 at 8 am

Easter Sunday 27/3/16 at 9 am

If you are looking for Easter Sermons

A Text only sermon can be found by following this link:

An Apology and an Apologetic. Easter Day 2012

For a Podcast Follow...

Aub Baker- Celebrating a legend - Reprint of a Frontier Services celebration

Mar 3, 2016

On Tuesday the 8th of March at 11am in Rangeville Community Church a memorial service will be held for Rev Aub Baker. One of his many significant ministries was with Fronteir Services as a patrol padre. He entitled his recent memoir "Gate opener for the Lord". 

I did not know Aub well but like everyone who got to know...