Aug 23, 2017
Focus reading: Romans 12:1-8
The central message of this reading is that we should give our love and service, live our Christian lives as a free gift, a gift that is free from the priorities of this world, that as Christians we are not to be squeezed into the world's mould. To live the Christian life, to live for...
Aug 15, 2017
I've posted a new sermon fro this Sunday but this is a great alternative for the Joseph story and with way over 400 downloads is the most popular podcast I've ever published.
Direct download link:
The blog paege can be found here:
Aug 15, 2017
Each of the set readings for today give us strange pictures of unity. Psalm 133 speaks of Unity being like perfumed oil that runs down the hair and beard of Aaron, (Moses’ brother). Genesis 45 has Joseph forgiving the brothers who wanted to kill him sold him into slavery. Romans 11:1-2,29-32 has Paul tell us that...
Aug 10, 2017
Focus reading: Matthew 14:22–33
At my induction I said that I believe that it’s not us who go to God, it’s God who comes to us. In today’s story from Scripture that’s the whole shape of what happens. We need help from outside. We can not make it by ourselves. All of us, not just Peter and the disciples are of...
Aug 5, 2017
This is much longer than the usual 10 minutes but it is one of the most popular downloads from this site a repost of the Feeding of the 5000 sermon I first preached in 2011. For a shorter version click HERE
Tomorrow I will preach a brand new sermon but hae not made time to record it today.
I want you to put yourselves...