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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

The greatest is love! 1Cor 13 Epiphany + 4C

Jan 29, 2025

Readings 1 Cor 12:31b-14:1a  and  Luke 4:21–30

The Greatest is Love

Misconceptions and Paul’s Teaching

The people of the church in the City of Corinth were convinced that being a good Christian and a good Christian leader was about spiritual gifts, clever ideas, eloquent language, or preaching. Some believed that...

By the Mercies of God - A message on Romans 12:1-8

Aug 23, 2023

Key text: Romans 12:1-8 

In many of Paul’s letters he begins after a general greetingby dealing with the issues that are causing problems in a church. He then goes on to deal with how we live out our faith in our daily life or ethics. Paul is talking about how we lives which witness or reflect God’s love and how we...

Jul 29, 2023

1.            Readings

a.            First Reading Amos 7: 7 - 8

b.            Second Reading Matt. 23:23

c.             Third Reading Deut.16: 18 -20                       

d.            Gospel Luke 13: 10 - 17

2.            Sermon Go God’s love going way

The people of Israel were suffering in Egypt, forced to...

Carols on the Lawn - South Rockhampton Unitng Church

Nov 4, 2022


Christmas is all about restored comminity, making personal, family, social and Spiritual connections.
6pm-8 pm 17th December 2022 at South Rockhampton Uniting Church. 312 Campbell Street
(Band starts at 6, Carols at 6.30)
Join us, celebrating community and the first Christmas with contemporary...

Apr 3, 2022

Focus reading John 12:1-8 Apologies this is a 20 minute message and not 10.

I’ve grown up in a church and learnt my theology in a way which has always stressed God’s love to us rather than my love to God. And I’ve grown up in a culture, where men especially are uncomfortable about publically showing their love to...