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Gospel centred sermons, based on the lectionary often in advance.

Oct 29, 2012

Focus Reading Ruth 1:1-18   Subscribe on Itunes 

It is said that Benjamin Franklin while visiting Paris spent time with various thinkers and was becoming fed up with the way they belittled the Bible. Rather than attack them head on he told them that he had discovered a wonderful piece of literature he would like to...

Oct 25, 2012

Focus readings: Job 42:1-6, 10-17, Heb 7:23-28, Mk 10:46-52  Subscribe on Itunes 

Reflecting on the experienc of Job, the story of Bartimaus from Mark and also the priestly role of Christ I suggest prayer has at least five purposes.

So what is prayer good for? What is its purpose? First prayer gives us someone to cry...

In the news

Oct 20, 2012

This podcast got a write up in the local paper! Thanks Toowoomba Chronicle for the article! 

The link to the article is: 

Oct 16, 2012

Focus readings:Job 38:1-7;  Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45.   Subscribe on Itunes 

This week in Toowoomba is family week and last Monday was my wife Heather’s Birthday. Imagine if I had forgotten her birthday! I would be in serious trouble. At least temporarily there would be a partial breakdown in our relationship. We...

Oct 12, 2012

Focus reading Mark 10:17-31  Subscribe on Itunes 

Jump and  let God catch you.

We can’t do anything to earn or buy our salvation that was the message of last week’s sermon and it’s the message of this week’s too. The key to understanding the story of the Rich Young Ruler is not “obey the law” (Mk 10:19)