Feb 18, 2017
Focus passage: Matthew 5:38–48 For a download of the audio file click the direct download link at the bottom of this page.
The Jesus story is all about God going the extra mile with us because we just can’t carry the burden ourselves. Call that defeatist if you will, but to me it is exactly the opposite, for I...
Feb 9, 2017
Focus Reading:1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Click HERE for a direct audio download.
Paul gets really angry in a number of his letters and in 1 Corinthians the main thing which makes him angry is disunity. The church at Corinth has forgotten that what unites Christians is God in Jesus Christ and not their leaders or ideas. As...
Feb 2, 2017
Focus passage: Matthew 5:17-18 A direct download link for the audio can be found at the bottom of this post
Just what does Jesus mean when he says that he has not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, that not one iota will pass away? Surely Jesus shows us that God’s love is a free gift. Didn’t he die so that...