Feb 2, 2017
Focus passage: Matthew 5:17-18 A direct download link for the audio can be found at the bottom of this post
Just what does Jesus mean when he
says that he has not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, that
not one iota will pass away? Surely Jesus shows us that God’s love
is a free gift. Didn’t he die so that we were no longer bound
to the letter of the Law? Isn’t the only law now the Law of
Over the years many
Christians (including me) have struggled with the relationship
between Jesus who reveals God is Love, free love, and Jesus’
teaching for us to be obedient to his commands saying things like
“whoever does them and teaches them will be great in the Kingdom of
Heaven.” I have no easy answer but I believe that the two must go
together. If we have met with God in Jesus, if we have received the
love then our lives should reflect that love in our obedient
following of Jesus. It will be imperfect, but if we believe then we
must follow, for that love is the truth of our life!
Questions for thought and
Just what does Jesus mean when he
says that he has not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, that
not one iota will pass away? What is the relationship between the
free love of God and the call to obedience? Have you met the love
of God in Jesus and if so how are you going at
Post Image credit: lovleah / 123RF Stock Photo