Dec 17, 2012
Focus reading: Luke 1:39–55
Near the end of this sermon I say these words:
“We’re all sinners, who need help but we’re forgiven sinners. People who God has made and is making whole. People like Alexi (a drug dealer turned pastor) and Mary, blessed by God.
Think of a sinner you know, someone like you, who needs to know about the blessing of God.
What will you do and/or say to or for this person, so they will see and know about God’s blessing?”
As a church it’s sometimes easy to think that we exist only for ourselves, but one of our main purposes is to share God’s free gift of love with others.
Questions for thought or discussion.
What do you think about the notion that we are all sinners unable to save ourselves? What is your reaction to the idea that the church is "Sinners Anonymous"? Can you think of someone you could invite to the Christmas services in order that they might hear about this wonderful unfair gift of love?