Jul 14, 2012
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Key Passage: Ephesians 1:3-14
This word grace, means the unmerited love of God. In 1:7-8 Paul says that this love has been lavished on us by God. The CEV usually translates the word grace as kindness or kindness that we do not deserve and the Greek word for grace has about it the idea of a gift. In other words God makes us his Children, God loves us, God forgives us, makes us part of the body, the temple of God as a free gift.
Paul then says that in response to this wonderful gift of God’s freely given and overflowing love in Jesus Christ, that we should live “to the praise of his glory” or “to praise him” or as in 2:10 in response to this free gift we should live to do good deeds.
For Paul, for me for the millions of others who have been discovered by God’s free gift of undeserved love, by God’s grace, this love not only fills our lives but it overflows into a life lived for his praise.
Have you been discovered by God’s free gift of undeserved love? Or had you forgotten about it and you’ve been reminded today? God’s free and overflowing love is being poured out today and every day. It is yours through faith in Jesus Christ, no matter who you are or what you have done.
Questions for thought or discussion.
What do you understand by the word grace? What could it mean to "live to the praise of his glory"?
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